Week 12 Results

Posted by Rishara Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This week, I'm down a couple more pounds, for a grand total of 19 lbs so far!  On top of that, I think I've lost about 4 inches around my waist.  Nobody has particularly noticed yet though.

My a1c was 6.9.  Still waaaaay too high for my taste.  My doctor was happy with it of course, saying 'it's not bad.'  I'm going to switch to a dose of time release metformin before bed to see if that helps my crazy morning fasting numbers out a bit.

I apologize for being so lazy with the blog.  I actually have about 4 or 5 recipes I need to post.  I've just been pretty busy working lately and haven't wanted to look at a computer when I get home (I'm a computer programmer so get dazed enough by the glowing screen during the day).


  1. jtihrke Says:
  2. Wow it sounds like you're doing very well! I found http://thebeehive.org/diabetes to be a good site too that gives tips to help manage diabetes and also lists some recipes that look like they'll be good - a necessary for the holiday season coming up!

  3. Rishara Says:
  4. Hi Jane, yes I've been very happy with my progress. Sometimes, I get a little down that it's not 'faster', but when I really analyze things, I know I'm losing at a very good pace. I just got the latest lab results back from my Dr, that I need to post. My lab A1C was actually 6.5%, so that's even better (the 6.9 was from a home test that I reported to the doc). I've got a pretty bad sinus infection right now which is why my posts have been few and far between the last couple weeks.

    Thanks for the site. I'll definitely check it out!

  5. jtihrke Says:
  6. Glad to hear you're doing better than what you thought!...but sorry to hear about the sinus infection. Have you ever tried using a netti pot? I haven't, and I don't think they will get rid of a sinus infection, but I know some people who live by them to prevent the infections in the first place!


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Week 24: 23 lbs total
Week 23: 23 lbs total
Weeks 1-22 (2009): 23 lbs total

About Me

I'm a software developer by day and an avid computer gamer by night. I'm also a woman rapidly approaching middle-age with diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos). I'm embarking on a lowcarb lifestyle in an effort to become healthy and live past middle-age and well into old-age.