My Completely Horrible Starting Numbers

Posted by Rishara Sunday, August 23, 2009

Well, I wanted to put on the record where I'm starting, number-wise.

Cholesterol: 215
Triglycerides: 331
HDL: 29
LDL: 120
CHOL/HDL Ratio: 7.4

Hemoglobin A1C: 7.6
Mean Plasma Glucose: 193
Fasting Glucose: 134

Lbs to lose to goal weight: 105

I'll be having these tests done again at the doctor's office after 3 months on the Atkin's diet, and I expect to see a dramatic improvement.  In the meantime, I will post my average blood sugar numbers weekly and plan on taking my A1C at home every month.


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Weight Loss Progress

Week 24: 23 lbs total
Week 23: 23 lbs total
Weeks 1-22 (2009): 23 lbs total

About Me

I'm a software developer by day and an avid computer gamer by night. I'm also a woman rapidly approaching middle-age with diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos). I'm embarking on a lowcarb lifestyle in an effort to become healthy and live past middle-age and well into old-age.