I survived week 1 of induction!
After one week, I've lost 6 lbs. More importantly, my blood sugar is definitely improving. It is still far too high, but I'm not hitting any numbers over 200 anymore.
My averages for the week were:
Day 1: 170, highest 214, lowest 140
Day 2: 156, highest 200, lowest 117
Day 3: 150, highest 194, lowest 116
Day 4: 135, highest 150, lowest 117
Day 5: 145, highest 160, lowest 131 (though these numbers are a bit off since I forgot my meter when I went to work so had less samples)
Day 6: 130, highest 148, lowest 115
Day 7: 130, highest 150, lowest 116
Clearly, the numbers are trending downward. My Excel spreadsheet tells me my estimated A1C for this week is 7.1. For every single day, the peak number was my morning fasting number. Thank you Dawn Syndrome. I've tried many of the suggestions for coping with this phenomenon to no avail. For now, I'm going to stay the course and see if the morning numbers continue to improve along with the rest of the numbers.
Aside from the numbers, I'm feeling much better. I have more energy, my sleep is more restful and I'm not waking up 10 times a night. The hunger was extremely nagging the first couple of days as my brain cried out for potato chips and a Snickers bar, but now I'm almost having to force myself to eat enough calories. After I'd logged my food on Sunday, I found I hadn't even eaten 1000 calories. On the surface, this might seem like a great thing, but I do not want my body to panic and decide it is starving, so I'm trying to keep a fairly steady amount of fuel for it throughout the day.
Onward to Week 2!
These results are tremendous... and shows you that your body will respond if you do the righ thing. Remember though. It's like being at the back of the pack in a NASCAR race. It's easy to pass cars at first... because they are slow... it will get harder the closer you get to your ultimate goals... but that's no reason to get discouraged. Keep up the good work. And feel good knowing "It's working!'