Not much changed on the weight front this week. I lost 1 lb, for a total of 7 lbs over two weeks. I wasn't watching calories as carefully as I should have been, and I know I had a few days that were pretty high (darn salad dressing). Still, 7 lbs in two weeks is really something to be happy about.
Blood sugar wise, my numbers are continuing to improve. I still haven't gotten a number under 100, but I'm not seeing many numbers over 140 anymore (except my MORNING numbers--argh), so that's definite progress in the right direction. Plus, I have to keep telling myself that I've only been watching my carbs for 2 weeks. These averages DO include readings 45 minutes to 1 hour after my meals. I'm trying to take about 8 samples a day so that the numbers are as representative as possible of my true average.
My averages for week 2 were:
Day 1: 130, highest 163, lowest 130
Day 2: 130, highest 149, lowest 115
Day 3: 125, highest 164, lowest 107
Day 4: 123, highest 153, lowest 111
Day 5: 133, highest 149, lowest 117
Day 6: 130, highest 136, lowest 102
Day 7: 114, highest 135, lowest 103
Again, my highest numbers for every single day were my readings upon waking each morning. At least they are steadily dropping. After I eat breakfast, I stay pretty steady throughout the day, barely peaking after meals.
I'm planning on continuing induction for at least 2 more weeks, so keep watching as I chart my progress.