Well, I'm ecstatic to have gotten two morning blood sugar readings below 140 in a row! Both of the previous nights, I ate a spoonful of peanut butter before going to bed. I don't know if that actually made the difference or if it was a coincidence, but we will see.
I also forgot to take my night time medicine last night (I'm usually really good about it, but fell asleep watching TV), so I was quite shocked to see the improved reading of 136 this morning.
You must be having what is called the Dawn Phenomonim spelling ???, its because the liver spits out some glucose because its gone down low enough. Usually happens around 3am. The PB is good because it has the whole nutritional package, carb, fat, protein and the bs doesnt go down far enough. Its a good thing to do. but dont forget the meds!!! LOL Karen