Week 3 Results

Posted by Rishara Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sorry for the delay in posting my week 3 results.  Better Half and I started playing the new MMO Champions Online and have been pretty busy with the shiny new game. :) 

No weight loss this week (boo), but my blood sugar is improving so drastically that I'm remaining positive.  I had one cheat (boo again).  In a fit of pure laziness, I dashed across the street to McDonalds for lunch on Sunday.  It was an interesting experiment.  My pre meal bg was 95.  My 2 hour reading after a McDouble, medium fries and a Diet Coke was 203!  Yikes.  Luckily, my bg was back down to 85 before dinner, so it didn't stay that high for too terribly long, but I learned my lesson.

My averages for week 3 were:

Day 1: 114, highest 136, lowest 102
Day 2: 118, highest 148, lowest 101
Day 3: 120, highest 158, lowest 100
Day 4: 127, highest 138, lowest 117
Day 5: 109, highest 138, lowest 90
Day 6: 117, highest 146, lowest 95
Day 7: 125, highest 203, lowest 85 <-- McDonald's Day

Clearly, the numbers have improved drastically from my starting numbers 3 weeks ago.  Again, my highs were always the morning numbers with the exception of the McDonald's day.  I haven't really figured out any rhyme or reason to controlling these morning numbers--they seem to do what they want to do.  Overall, they're still steadily declining (just at a fairly slow pace), so that gives me some hope that they'll shape up soon.  I swear I'm not dipping into Better Half's M&M stash in the middle of the night!

Keep watching.  Next week I take my first A1C test, which will be interesting.  I'm not expecting a drastic drop yet, because it will still have 2 months of "bad" in the average.

More recipes coming soon!


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Week 24: 23 lbs total
Week 23: 23 lbs total
Weeks 1-22 (2009): 23 lbs total

About Me

I'm a software developer by day and an avid computer gamer by night. I'm also a woman rapidly approaching middle-age with diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos). I'm embarking on a lowcarb lifestyle in an effort to become healthy and live past middle-age and well into old-age.