Another week has passed. I only lost 1 lb this week. I'm somewhat frustrated with my lack of progress, though I know I shouldn't be. After all, 11 lbs in 6 weeks is still a decent rate of loss.
My blood sugar was pretty flat all week. My morning numbers have come down but my numbers throughout the day were up a bit (not above 140 though). I think part of it is that my mouth is still healing from the bone graft, so I've been in constant pain for the past 2 weeks now. It's taking a LOOONG time to heal, though I was finally able to do some chewing on that side of my mouth today. I think it'll be healed within the next 3 or 4 days (I hope!).
I decided I would give the Eades' 6 Week Cure a try to jump start my weight loss. I started this morning with a banana protein shake (their basic shake recipe with Davinci sugar free banana syrup added). It was quite tasty and filling. However, my blood sugar spiked to 185! I'm not sure why. The carb count for the shake was only about 3. I would think if it was a spike from protein being converted to sugar it wouldn't have happened quite so quickly (since protein is supposed to be converted to sugar slower than carbs). I ate normally the rest of the day. I'm a little scared to try again tomorrow without knowing what the problem was.
I am excited to find out how you are doing with the egg whites now instead of whey protein. Am hoping your mouth is better and is probably why your sugars are all over the place. Thankfully not above 140 tho!!! Keep posting, your recipes are great!
Thanks for the kind words. :) I'll have a detailed update post soon, but the egg protein shakes are working very well!