Beginning My Low Carb Journey

Posted by Rishara Thursday, August 20, 2009

I've been trying to figure out how to begin this blog for a while. Starting with my story seemed too much for an introduction. Explaining why carbs do indeed suck will probably consume more than a single post. I finally decided on sharing the reasons why I'm moving to a low carb lifestyle and why I'm going to blog about it.

Why low carb? First and foremost, I want to be healthy. I want to kick the triglycerides and LDL out and invite the HDL in. I do not want to die by 50 or even 60. I want to be able to jump out of bed in the morning full of energy, looking forward to the day instead of dreading it. I want to enjoy a concert at Red Rocks Amphitheater and not feel like I'm going to keel over and die trying to reach my seat. And yes, I want to lose weight. I'd like to look in the mirror and no longer see Tweedledum or Tweedledee staring back at me, and I'd like to buy my clothes in a normal department store.

Why blog about it? First, I have no doubt that it will help keep me honest and on track. I also believe it will be interesting to see my progress from beginning to end (not that there will be an 'end' to this change). I hope that along the way I can inspire and help others who are suffering through some of the same struggles that I am.

I'm now on day 4 of Atkins induction (I didn't quite get the blog ready by day 1!). In the days that follow, I will begin to share recipes, menus, product reviews, pitfalls and anecdotes and anything else that I find pertinent and interesting.

Welcome to my low carb journey. I hope you enjoy travelling this road with me.

1 Responses to Beginning My Low Carb Journey

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Good Luck Rishara. We'll be watching and learning!


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Week 24: 23 lbs total
Week 23: 23 lbs total
Weeks 1-22 (2009): 23 lbs total

About Me

I'm a software developer by day and an avid computer gamer by night. I'm also a woman rapidly approaching middle-age with diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos). I'm embarking on a lowcarb lifestyle in an effort to become healthy and live past middle-age and well into old-age.